Cultural Sustainability Consulting

Nurture, Revitalize, Sustain

CSC’s mission is to provide communities worldwide with essential tools, skills, and expertise to meet their cultural sustainability goals.

In collaboration with the communities we serve, we design tools and strategies to nurture, revitalize, and sustain culture; fostering resilient and thriving communities for generations to come.

Workshops and toolkits for strategizing cultural sustainability in your community.

What sustains culture? Community does! By participating in our workshops, communities can now develop customized strategies for sustaining local culture or incorporating cultural sustainability practices to meet their goals.

By the end of each workshop, participants will have a customized toolkit for continuous use in applying cultural sustainability practices in their community and work.

  • Identifying and Assessing Assets of Cultural Sustainability

    What is sustaining your community’s culture on an ongoing basis and how? In this workshop, participants identify assets of cultural sustainabilily unique to their community, create criteria for assessing their well-being, and explore how they impact collective cultural sustainabiliy.

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  • Developing Indicators of Cultural Sustainability

    What would give your community the confidence that it’s culture is being sustained? Develop and monitor your community’s unique vision of cultural sustainability by creating a shared vision and custom indicators.


  • Assessing and Monitoring Tradition Sustainability

    What has sustained a tradition through generations? This workshop discovers and assesses the wellbeing of a traditions assets of sustainability.

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  • Cultural Sustainability in DEIB

    Research has shown that within six months employees tend to conform to dominant corporate culture at the expense of their own cultural identiy. Use the customized strategies and tools in this workshop to nurture cultural identities in the workplace for the benefit of your employees and organization.